First Nations residency details for Saskatchewan

The information on Residency details is extracted from the First Nations Profiles as maintained by AANDC (October 2016)

British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Northwest Territory, Yukon

Residency Details Total -----Registered Population-----
Assigned for Individual Bands of Registered living on living on living off
Number Saskatchewan Population reserves crown land reserve
406 Ahtahkakoop 3,542 1,894 6 1,642
369 Beardy's and Okemasis 3,382 1,231 0 2,151
399 Big Island Lake Cree Nation 1,187 954 3 230
404 Big River 3,462 2,596 11 855
403 Birch Narrows First Nation 774 443 0 331
359 Black Lake 2,131 1,644 0 487
398 Buffalo River Dene Nation 1,405 745 0 660
394 Canoe Lake Cree First Nation 2,400 1,042 0 1,358
378 Carry The Kettle 2,835 949 1 1,885
401 Clearwater River Dene 2,061 846 7 1,208
366 Cote First Nation 366 3,835 947 2 2,886
361 Cowessess 1,635 848 94 693
350 Cumberland House Cree Nation 516 163 0 353
389 Day Star 1,534 793 0 741
400 English River First Nation 1,783 566 0 1,217
390 Fishing Lake First Nation 1,373 549 0 824
395 Flying Dust First Nation 2,001 1,147 0 854
351 Fond du Lac 3,643 1,252 0 2,391
391 George Gordon First Nation 1,831 1,420 1 410
352 Hatchet Lake 1,831 1,420 1 410
370 James Smith 3,447 2,088 2 1,357
362 Kahkewistahaw 1,989 635 0 1,354
393 Kawacatoose 3,143 1,263 6 1,874
367 Keeseekoose 2,463 765 0 1,698
377 Kinistin Saulteaux Nation 1,024 390 0 634
353 Lac La Ronge 10,692 6,399 257 4,036
379 Little Black Bear 560 227 0 333
340 Little Pine 1,998 951 2 1,045
341 Lucky Man 115 33 0 82
396 Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation 1,596 1,182 0 414
397 Ministikwan Lake Cree Nation 1,315 1,075 2 238
374 Mistawasis Nêhiyawak 2,701 1,241 0 1,460
354 Montreal Lake 3,947 2,196 218 1,533
342 Moosomin 1,801 1,209 1 591
343 Mosquito, Grizzly Bear's Head, Lean Man First Nati 1,383 794 2 587
381 Muscowpetung 1,390 362 0 1,028
375 Muskeg Lake Cree Nation #102 2,072 378 0 1,694
371 Muskoday First Nation 1,890 634 0 1,256
392 Muskowekwan 1,867 558 0 1,309
380 Nekaneet 493 217 0 276
408 Ocean Man 527 165 0 362
363 Ochapowace 1,768 671 0 1,097
382 Okanese 708 295 1 412
373 One Arrow First Nation 1,875 719 0 1,156
344 Onion Lake Cree Nation 6,015 3,847 1 2,167
383 Pasqua First Nation #79 2,195 684 1 1,510
384 Peepeekisis Cree Nation No.81 2,727 694 2 2,031
405 Pelican Lake 1,632 1,229 2 401
355 Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation 10,608 5,668 1,317 3,623
409 Pheasant Rump Nakota 421 169 0 252
385 Piapot 2,419 712 0 1,707
345 Poundmaker 1,706 948 0 758
356 Red Earth 1,764 1,547 0 217
346 Red Pheasant 2,464 860 4 1,600
364 Sakimay First Nations 1,678 281 0 1,397
347 Saulteaux 1,290 700 1 589
357 Shoal Lake Cree Nation 1,026 888 2 136
386 Standing Buffalo 1,269 497 1 771
387 Star Blanket Cree Nation 675 290 0 385
360 Sturgeon Lake First Nation 2,921 1,965 1 955
348 Sweetgrass 1,964 759 1 1,204
368 The Key First Nation 1,325 315 1 1,009
349 Thunderchild First Nation 2,872 1,327 0 1,545
358 Wahpeton Dakota Nation 532 346 0 186
402 Waterhen Lake 2,003 1,004 2 997
365 White Bear 2,663 921 0 1,742
372 Whitecap Dakota First Nation 641 318 0 323
407 Witchekan Lake 764 541 0 223
388 Wood Mountain 286 7 0 279
376 Yellow Quill 2,956 1,012 4 1,940
150,741 73,425 1,957 75,359

Last Modified Date: 04/05/2017