Ontario Public Sector employees earning $100,000+ summary

the following reports highlight a summary of Ontario public sector employees earning $100,000+ and a public sector analysis for the past ten years

data extracted from Ontario Pubic Sector Salary Disclosure records

Calendar year (reporting period for PSSDA) Employee Count yearly
Average TOTAL
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2014 111,575 13.93% $128,050.06 $14,287,185,400.81
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2013 97,935 10.61% $128,318.69 $12,566,891,055.65
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2012 88,540 12.03% $128,406.51 $11,369,112,725.41
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2011 79,035 10.41% $128,612.41 $10,164,881,495.16
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2010 71,586 12.15% $128,878.48 $9,225,894,688.01
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2009 63,831 19.03% $129,586.38 $8,271,628,511.29
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2008 53624 26.09% $129,895.15 $6,965,497,738.41
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2007 42,527 25.15% $130,051.63 $5,530,705,822.31
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2006 33,981 25.01% $130,387.22 $4,430,688,127.22
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2005 27,182 19.82% $129,052.64 $3,507,908,860.57
Total Salaries Plus Taxable Benefits for 2004 22,685 $130,281.98 $2,955,446,812.52

Changes summary 2004-2014
Employee Count Increase 88,890
Employee Count Percentage Increase 391.84%
Average Increase (decrease) ($2,231.92)
Average Percentage Increase (decrease) -1.71%

pssda captured data formatted EMPLOYEE yearly AVERAGE TOTAL AMOUNTS
to reflect a ten year summary COUNT change SALARY PLUS OF SALARIES PLUS
COLLEGES 2014 4,631 10.37% $113,718.05 $526,628,267.13
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 4,196 4.48% $113,075.99 $474,466,853.93
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 4,016 12.90% $112,588.74 $452,156,386.66
2011 3,557 61.61% $111,938.67 $398,165,860.32
2010 2,201 11.11% $117,149.59 $257,846,244.98
2009 1,981 79.44% $117,698.22 $233,160,170.54
2008 1,104 47.99% $124,250.73 $137,172,805.14
2007 746 18.60% $125,331.85 $93,497,561.65
2006 629 40.40% $126,556.54 $79,604,065.18
2005 448 12.28% $124,369.05 $55,717,332.27
2004 399 $122,075.38 $48,708,075.78
CROWN AGENCIES 2014 3,910 14.53% $135,711.87 $530,633,394.15
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 3,414 7.19% $137,637.92 $469,895,873.21
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 3,185 9.60% $138,073.90 $439,765,356.16
2011 2,906 -2.91% $138,365.27 $402,089,488.24
2010 2,993 1.39% $138,096.19 $413,321,881.70
2009 2,952 15.31% $138,573.87 $409,070,050.75
2008 2,560 30.41% $144,798.38 $370,683,844.21
2007 1,963 12.62% $144,644.51 $283,937,173.68
2006 1,743 18.89% $145,525.90 $253,651,645.75
2005 1,466 19.58% $141,426.27 $207,330,915.71
2004 1,226 $139,009.02 $170,425,055.00
HOSPITALS AND PUBLIC HEALTH BOARDS 2014 11,622 24.95% $132,921.40 $1,544,812,514.26
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 9,301 10.08% $136,070.31 $1,265,589,980.64
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 8,449 6.91% $140,599.13 $1,187,922,070.13
2011 7,903 14.89% $138,626.55 $1,095,565,663.50
2010 6,879 4.23% $142,580.03 $980,808,035.38
2009 6,600 17.35% $143,380.25 $946,309,617.10
2008 5,624 34.45% $145,422.39 $817,855,511.81
2007 4,183 34.37% $151,755.72 $634,794,192.00
2006 3,113 18.37% $158,799.70 $494,343,450.94
2005 2,630 24.94% $155,642.47 $409,339,692.10
2004 2,105 $158,299.48 $333,220,414.14
ELECTRICITY 2014 12,016 2.03% $135,690.76 $1,631,817,079.29
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 11,777 3.70% $137,876.42 $1,623,770,589.87
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 11,357 1.51% $135,934.84 $1,543,811,990.47
2011 11,188 5.50% $135,307.88 $1,513,824,554.37
2010 10,605 1.18% $134,753.85 $1,429,064,588.21
2009 10,481 13.20% $134,976.37 $1,414,687,344.63
2008 9,259 10.44% $133,395.35 $1,235,107,547.73
2007 8,384 14.18% $131,591.41 $1,103,262,409.00
2006 7,343 22.30% $129,758.64 $952,817,665.47
2005 6,004 3.61% $127,944.04 $768,176,006.94
2004 5,795 $128,253.76 $743,230,529.82
JUDICIARY 2014 628 -0.79% $202,000.05 $126,856,033.00
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 633 0.80% $191,857.55 $121,445,828.07
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 628 1.78% $188,819.46 $118,578,622.39
2011 617 0.33% $186,529.38 $115,088,630.16
2010 615 0.65% $181,470.04 $111,604,072.35
2009 611 -1.29% $179,096.60 $109,428,023.85
2008 619 90.46% $201,036.22 $124,441,417.48
2007 325 6.56% $218,147.43 $70,897,915.18
2006 305 -40.31% $209,916.74 $64,024,606.71
2005 511 83.15% $165,717.47 $84,681,628.53
2004 279 $245,798.67 $68,577,829.99
LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY AND OFFICES 2014 252 8.15% $133,883.86 $33,738,732.58
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 233 -5.28% $135,005.49 $31,456,278.22
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 246 8.37% $134,396.61 $33,061,564.84
2011 227 1.34% $136,072.97 $30,888,565.17
2010 224 6.67% $138,088.38 $30,931,798.22
2009 210 2.94% $139,408.65 $29,275,816.16
2008 204 10.87% $138,781.37 $28,311,398.51
2007 184 22.67% $135,225.80 $24,881,547.50
2006 150 70.45% $123,140.51 $18,471,076.87
2005 88 6.02% $127,242.87 $11,197,372.62
2004 83 $127,144.82 $10,553,019.65
MINISTRIES 2014 13,681 28.80% $123,653.90 $1,691,709,048.33
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 10,622 1.34% $123,357.38 $1,310,302,052.69
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 10,482 7.00% $123,404.11 $1,293,521,929.91
2011 9,796 15.92% $124,392.97 $1,218,553,545.26
2010 8,451 17.98% $125,529.43 $1,060,849,200.64
2009 7,163 20.02% $127,184.48 $911,022,454.80
2008 5,968 28.37% $127,246.50 $759,407,133.28
2007 4,649 19.14% $127,525.72 $592,867,070.99
2006 3,902 38.03% $127,820.98 $498,757,457.34
2005 2,827 16.77% $127,318.56 $359,929,571.99
2004 2,421 $128,143.74 $310,235,985.95
MUNICIPALITIES 2014 30,790 19.92% $118,998.99 $3,663,978,967.67
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 25,675 28.94% $117,831.15 $3,025,314,846.64
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 19,912 23.82% $117,504.03 $2,339,740,196.06
2011 16,082 4.79% $117,085.03 $1,882,961,487.77
2010 15,347 24.25% $116,903.71 $1,794,121,298.55
2009 12,352 22.13% $117,732.32 $1,454,229,608.80
2008 10,114 42.09% $117,161.29 $1,184,969,282.11
2007 7,118 42.47% $117,218.76 $834,363,139.95
2006 4,996 45.87% $117,892.12 $588,989,045.84
2005 3,425 29.98% $118,741.96 $406,691,223.42
2004 2,635 $119,691.29 $315,386,540.35
OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYERS 2014 4,947 17.59% $138,024.32 $682,806,316.92
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 4,207 19.45% $137,645.77 $579,075,772.90
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 3,522 22.21% $137,847.19 $485,497,802.13
2011 2,882 10.85% $139,515.28 $402,083,030.89
2010 2,600 20.71% $137,818.28 $358,327,521.46
2009 2,154 25.67% $138,386.84 $298,085,253.86
2008 1,714 33.80% $136,470.36 $233,910,189.89
2007 1,281 32.06% $136,771.54 $175,204,343.20
2006 970 67.82% $135,050.31 $130,998,801.77
2005 578 0.52% $132,510.49 $76,591,064.34
2004 575 $134,716.95 $77,462,248.95
SCHOOL BOARDS 2014 12,723 3.49% $114,907.15 $1,461,963,669.42
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 12,294 2.14% $115,307.36 $1,417,588,658.61
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 12,037 19.66% $115,223.79 $1,386,948,744.79
2011 10,059 13.98% $116,278.22 $1,169,642,580.23
2010 8,825 18.95% $115,263.81 $1,017,203,125.38
2009 7,419 23.71% $114,397.76 $848,716,955.78
2008 5,997 39.37% $112,198.68 $672,855,463.30
2007 4,303 43.39% $111,638.00 $480,378,332.82
2006 3,001 21.11% $112,083.41 $336,362,327.75
2005 2,478 55.07% $111,946.28 $277,402,876.20
2004 1,598 $113,906.47 $182,022,533.71
UNIVERSITIES 2014 16,375 5.08% $146,091.08 $2,392,241,378.06
Employer List for this Sector re 2014 2013 15,583 5.96% $144,258.76 $2,247,984,320.87
Salary Range Analysis for this Sector 2012 14,706 6.43% $141,990.21 $2,088,108,061.87
2011 13,818 7.57% $140,108.42 $1,936,018,089.25
2010 12,846 7.88% $137,927.52 $1,771,816,921.14
2009 11,908 13.83% $135,845.08 $1,617,643,215.02
2008 10,461 11.39% $133,905.28 $1,400,783,144.95
2007 9,391 19.95% $131,681.62 $1,236,622,136.34
2006 7,829 16.38% $129,348.32 $1,012,667,983.60
2005 6,727 20.79% $126,483.01 $850,851,176.45
2004 5,569 $124,910.14 $695,624,579.18

Last Modified Date --- 03/31/2015