Revenues from the Employment and Social services Ministry

the following statement represents the revenues from this ministry for the past ten years

Sourced from the Public Accounts, Vol II

(thousands of dollars) 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
MINISTRY REVENUES                    
Tax Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Revenues —                    
Return on Investment 0 0 907,112 885,694 868,368 857,851 817,899 763,921 894,304 988,446
Refunds for prior year expenses 0 0 23,427 20,143 22,827 36,178 14,096 16,554 32,541 33,337
Sales of goods and services 0 0 200,911 153,036 22,579 19,598 18,741 17,299 15,865 10,019
Disposal of surplus assets 0 0 342 163 101 156 76 91 71 79
Miscellaneous 0 0 1,816,751 1,820,654 2,056,929 2,116,561 1,991,903 2,074,003 199,517 182,782
Total Other Revenues 0 0 2,948,543 2,879,690 2,970,804 3,030,344 2,842,715 2,871,868 1,142,298 1,214,663
Total Ministerial Revenues 0 0 2,948,543 2,879,690 2,970,804 3,030,344 2,842,715 2,871,868 1,142,298 1,214,663

Last Modified Date: 10/27/2017