Acquisitions made by the Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Ministry

the following statements represent the acquisitions made by this ministry for the past ten years

data extracted from Public Accounts of Canada

Acquisitions made by Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Machinery and Equipment
Transportation machinery/equipment 85,177,944 104,210,857 87,979,818 91,345,296 91,641,946 107,673,847 96,468,148 99,236,841 131,369,580 109,043,211
Ammunitions/weapons 18,406,914 21,327,572 14,882,449 9,673,548 11,237,421 10,792,541 6,779,495 9,602,971 10,444,114 7,751,734
Communications equipment 55,172,877 54,799,911 47,350,106 39,786,685 40,418,088 38,363,560 40,550,909 56,313,499 55,914,985 38,000,322
Computer equipment/software 60,574,725 83,920,992 60,693,215 70,141,762 72,798,086 94,800,836 97,489,173 102,056,548 130,874,313 98,184,011
Specialized equipment 22,290,242 29,588,963 36,482,817 42,794,008 30,891,356 29,766,738 39,025,962 33,743,093 32,406,522 23,206,216
Furniture/fixtures 12,471,216 15,375,475 15,917,222 19,389,199 24,912,854 32,785,648 22,827,077 24,250,551 27,488,010 29,929,250
Industrial machinery/equipment 60,582 210,966 167,356 248,540 134,487 75,272 248,578 93,500 759,665 623,343
Other office equipment 5,013,958 5,183,739 5,263,773 3,752,230 3,217,563 3,532,656 3,701,245 2,937,184 5,210,329 4,891,946
Other machinery/equipment 29,866,728 34,557,917 36,844,283 27,331,905 25,422,321 45,663,041 40,533,186 40,170,874 39,030,532 37,128,663
Sub-total Machinery Equipment 289,035,186 349,176,392 305,581,039 304,463,173 300,674,122 363,454,139 347,623,773 368,405,061 433,498,050 348,758,696
Land, Buildings and Works
Land 284,024 1,875,229 3,381,502 1,433,883 4,128,781 2,317,381 1,036,663 2,271,147 491,185 279,061
Engineering works 12,501,636 11,048,031 10,272,002 16,994,370 16,630,028 7,090,303 21,358,446 10,688,121 13,567,322 10,863,103
Non-residential buildings 214,025,009 206,578,210 255,081,691 385,069,877 460,041,792 422,601,324 229,404,024 195,747,675 225,912,654 155,302,912
Residential buildings 6,848,361 6,735,656 6,649,098 2,832,334 2,633,889 8,166,910 4,286,813 5,623,353 10,521,412 9,399,682
Sub-total Land, Buildings and Works 233,659,030 226,237,126 275,384,293 406,330,464 483,434,490 440,175,918 256,085,946 214,330,296 250,492,573 175,844,758
Grand Total of Acquisitions 522,694,216 575,413,518 580,965,332 710,793,637 784,108,612 803,630,057 603,709,719 582,735,357 683,990,623 524,603,454

Last Modified Date: 10/21/2017